Super Horatio's Super Adventures

Sunday, January 20, 2008


My Official Songwriter has been writing songs for other people! I am outraged! I have been playing my Super Horatio record backwards all afternoon in an effort to ... well, I don't know what, I'm just Really Aannoyed. You Will Die, Former Official Songwriter! I hope your modelling friends will help you out!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Gee, that was close

After I helped Danno record my new song, I went to leave his apartment building but as it was daytime, I was a Pig and someone saw me and captured me and put me in their fridge and wanted to cook me for a feast :( Luckily when they opened the fridge next time, it was night time and I was no longer a Pig and I punched them in the eye and flew out of there. Phew.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Super Horatio's Godly Adventures

I, Super Horatio, have spent the past months being Assistant Weather God Horatio. It's a Promotion from being a Super Hero. I have been flooding the East Coast of Australia with the Rain that should have fallen over the last 10 years. I think I may have overdone my latest dose though.

However, my Godly Adventures will soon come to an end so look out for the return of Super Horatio's Super Adventures.