Super Horatio's Super Adventures

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Shit shit shit

You know what I Really Hate about being a statue of a Pig. The Bird Shit. I mean, being a pig and all by day, shit isn't bad, but the birds just tease you with a little drop of white stuff. If only those bastards had placed my statue somewhere near the beach where the seagulls could crap on me all day long, then I'd be as happy as a pig in ... you know. Of course when I morph into Super Horatio, it's not so cool because then I'd have shit all over my cape and it ruins the cape's aerodynamics. Not to mention the dry cleaning costs, let's face it, I don't have a lot of money. If I charged 50c for every kid that rides me in Rundle Mall then I'd be a rich pig.


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